Friday, May 16, 2008
Years do age a person . . .

I found recent photos of my highschool crush while googling his name - "B" - my puppy love. My, he certainly looks older now - he has lost some hair. . . he has gained some pounds . . . and really, he has grown much older than the mental image I kept of him in my heart all these years. Has the bubble of infatuation burst for me? As I stared at that reunion photo of him to try to find the young man I so dreamed of since I was in highschool . . . I again saw the same genteel qualities that I so adoringly saw in him so many moons ago. (I did not know for sure then - but those photos reaasured me that yes, my judgment as a child was not wrong afterall. I still see the same gentleness in his demeanor - he has aged but he is still basically knightly and genteel. If you have been reading my previous posts about him, I actually did not know him well. All I knew was that blown-up idea of the man I thought he would be if only him and I had more than exchanges of glances, one slow dance, one one-on-one conversation (of which he did most of the talking to fill in the silence)and some group activities that we both attended then. And that idea of that man was romanticized and treasured in my young head all these years. Growing up and growing older, those were memories that I went back to all the time when I am sad and beaten with the ways of the world.
I am looking forward to attend this year's town reunion which he has attended last year. Hmmm . . . That's in August . . . One thing is certain now. I will go with my loved one and I am sure he will be with his.
Labels: Puppy Love