Monday, September 28, 2009


A year has passed since my last post

Days just go by so fast . . .

We are at the last days of September . . . September . . . September? The song I'll see you in September comes to mind. I used to associate this song with my puppy love , "B" during those months after the summer breaks from school. It is simply amazing how first impressions, first "loves" do not really die or go away. I know it's NOT going anywhere because I am happy where I am right now and he is happy where he is right now but somehow I still relish and actually enjoy recalling all the "growing pains" I had as a young girl who had this bigger than life "fairytale romance" (in her mind, that is) with "B".

I did not really know him, nor did he know me at all. And yet, even now, strangely enough, I do feel as if I knew him and him, me. I guess these puppy loves do grow with you and go with you whatever heights (or lows) you find yourself later in life. "B" or again, my bigger than life idea of him, has been with me all those years I was on a trial and error journey with life, and has found a resting place somehere in my heart (or my head?) and there it has stayed all these years.

It's a comfortable place - "his" place (in my heart). I go there and re-live my young and carefree days whenever I get overwhelmed or bored (as the case maybe) with the realities of life.

I saw him again this September. He was with his realities and I with mine. It was good and fun and puppy-like. And maybe we'll meet again September next year -- when summer's gone.

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