Wednesday, February 15, 2006


What is my religion?

I am from the old school and really, I have stopped questioning whether there is a God (others may call HIM by another name) or not. The question of a GOD's presence is no longer moot and academic for me. It was, but that was a long time ago and mostly in HIS defense. I have FAITH and CONVICTION that there is a GOD - a Master Planner. My heart tells me that MAN IS NO ACCIDENT. Man was planned. I would be so without a purpose if there was no GOD. The absence of GOD will make my very own existence meaningless. I am not religious - meaning, I am not that disciplined as to go to church every Sunday . . . No, I don't . My religion is trying to practice KINDNESS whenever I could. I am not always kind, YET .In time, I would like to be kinder, more often than not. I believe that while the physical body turns to dust, the voice (soul, to some) within goes back to his CREATOR for further directions. My thoughts . . . maybe not yours.

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